More Than Words

I get it - marketing, messaging, lead-generation, audience building, launching, sales, PR is a LOT. Especially if it's you at the helm spinning all the plates.

Where should you start? I deep dive into research to understand your prospects motives and and take an editorial approach to help you find your voice. If you need support beyond copywriting and it feels right, I’ll switch hats to find you podcast and media opportunities to extend your reach and amplify your authority outside of your own sphere of influence.

Flurry Marketing was started by Ella Hoyos in 2020. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the start of the pandemic. And everything to do with breaking the chains of stay-at-home-mum-dom. 

My story began the moment I removed my rose-tinted baby goggles and woke up to the fact that domestic bliss was not cutting it. 

Not meaning to get all biblical on you (heaven forbid), but I define my career as BC and AC - before children and after children. I’d taken a career break and moved cross country to raise a family, only to find I had become a round peg trying to fit in a square hole. 

I’m a writer, a storyteller and a creative soul with a business degree. As a former PR exec and newspaper editor with 15 years of old school marketing experience, I’ve upskilled in social media, conversion copywriting and SEO to plug my digital knowledge gaps.

When I took off my invisibility cloak, spoke up and told my story, I discovered that there were people who needed my writing and publicity help more than ever before.  

It was my AHA moment. I could work remotely. And reclaim my financial freedom which had got lost somewhere in the midst of marriage and kids.

Today I’ve built a business that works for me and my family and not against it. And I’ve fulfilled a teenage dream of being my own boss and running my own company. 

My mission is to help you find your freedom too, make bucket loads of money and live life on your terms.

Your success is my success. Let’s make it happen shall we?

Stretching out the kinks on a yoga mat
Being social on social
Cooking and meal planning - the fun never stops!

daily rituals

Brainstorming on a Zoom call with my work buddies
Hopping on a call to record my latest podcast
Interviewing local peeps for KL magazine


Family mealtimes and home cooked food
Learning is for life not just for school


I’ll show you how you can nail the core principles and apply them to own unique situation.

I help female founders and advanced-stage entrepreneurs* with high-level organic marketing strategies, PR & comms to grow and scale your business, while delivering practical done-for-you services including conversion copywriting and email marketing.  

*that’s you

Skip the learning curve with hands on help from a marketing strategist who’s been there and done that.

I bring in trusted collaborators with specialist expertise when the project calls for it, which means that no project is too big and you are fully supported throughout.



A summer picnic with a view 


The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


A zingy Mojito or a Real Ale


Peaky Blinders or David Attenborough



What if you could accurately predict your hottest prospects' next move? When you understand the *squiggly* steps in your customer’s buying journey, you can figure out the best messaging for your brand. Meet your prospects where they are at each step of the way. Use this freebie to workshop your power moves that will guide your prospects to point of sale. It’s time to convert. Consider it done.

Throw Away the Crystal Ball

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“[Ella's] encouraging style and keeping me on track with my goals has been so helpful."

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You’re a creative powerhouse. I’m a marketing whizz.
Let’s be amazing together and make an impact.

Are you ready to do this thing?